blogging about daily life from Griffin, Georgia


Category: Personal,Pictures | Comments (0) | Valerie @ September 11th, 2006   

Any of you who knew me when I was pregnant, you know that pregnancy was a less than fun experience for me. I was thrilled when I found out I was having a baby, and I felt feelings that I had never had before just knowing that a human was growing inside of me, but actually being pregnant – the weight gain, the water retention, the back pain, the fatigue – well, these were not some of my best moments. But then, Brittain arrived and my whole life changed. I had talked to so many parents while I was pregnant, all of them saying how my life would never, EVER be the same. It was scary, especially since I liked my life the way it was. They were right. It did change, but it changed for the better and I would never go back to the life I had before this child. I’m with Brittain every day. I work 4 hours a day outside of the house and then I’m with her the rest of the time. All day…all night. What I marvel at is how much she changes on a daily basis. Some may look at this site and wonder if I have anything better to do with my time other than take tons of pictures of her every day. The truth is that yes, I do, but where’s the fun in that? I love every moment that I spend with her – every expression, every cry, every diaper change, every bath…everything. I love trying to capture those moments through pictures. Sometimes it takes MANY pictures to catch a special smile or a priceless expression, but I don’t want to miss those and I love the fact that I can be here with her and experience them as they happen. (Thanks, Dan, for going out and working hard so that I can be home to raise our child.) I don’t want to miss a thing. I love being a mother.








Good Friends

Category: Personal,Pictures | Comments (0) | Valerie @ September 9th, 2006   

There is nothing like having good friends, especially after having a child. For me, my emotions have been running wild since Brittain was born…well, actually since I became pregnant. I feel extremely fortunate to have the support of friends from church as well as my friend since middle school, Amanda Gay. Even better, they all have children (2 have newborns) so the pressure of being a perfect parent just isn’t there. We’re all learning together, discussing the trials and tribulations, as well as the joys of being first-time parents. I have a deep appreciation and respect for all of us. We’re making decisions for our children and doing the best we can. I didn’t realize how difficult and also joyful that this journey was going to be, but I feel blessed to have such special friends. If y’all are reading this, thank you for your non-judgemental and unwavering support and love! You have NO IDEA how much it means to me.

Brittain pays a visit to Emma Kate Kirkland:

Brittain meets Robert Evans:


Big sister, Leah Evans joins the crowd to pose for a picture before going back to her big sister duties:


Amanda and Kyla Rose come to play:



Smiles for Everyone

Category: Personal,Pictures | Comments (0) | Valerie @ September 9th, 2006   

Brittain enjoyed a visit with her Great Grama Colson:



Special friends, Ginny and Joe Shriner come to meet Brittain:



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