After a day of recovery from New Years, we then attended a “Breakfast for Dinner” get-together hosted by the Mulders. Erin provided yummy breakfast food and delicious martinis. Steve headed up more Guitar Hero fun.
Children of musicians:
I love these next few shots of the kids. They actually brought this seating in themselves and camped out as if they were watching a show. (They were watching the adults play Guitar Hero.):
The next weekend Brittain and Kyla Rose had a playdate:
Watching the jumpy castle inflate:
Amanda and Kyla Rose brought a fun activity – cupcake making!:
We frosted half the cupcakes with vanilla frosting and the other half with chocolate. When it was time to eat one, Amanda asked each of the girls which was their favorite. Kyla immediately said vanilla and Brittain said chocolate. I thought this was hilarious since it’s exactly opposite of their mommy’s favorites. :-):