blogging about daily life from Griffin, Georgia

my little ballerina (4.30.12)

Category: Personal | Comments (0) | Valerie @ July 1st, 2012   

As it happens so frequently these days I ran across a flyer from Studio D that contained some important dates that I had obviously not paid attention to when Brittain brought it home. I saw that the dance recital program ad was due in a few days. I was relieved that I hadn’t missed the deadline. I knew that most people used the photos that Rick Blackshear takes of the dancers each year. I looked at the date to have the pictures done and I saw that it was…LAST Saturday. Nice. So, I had to scramble. That very day Brittain and I went over to Gramy and Papa’s to get a few shots in hopes there would be one good enough for the program. Despite the “This is too itchy”s and the “My hair isn’t right”s, it turned out to be not too difficult of a task.

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